Gender Affirming Surgery Letters
We are happy to help you with your surgery letter.
At Arrive, your gender affirming surgery letter can be obtained within a single 60-minute assessment session. We operate on an informed consent approach, meaning once you're deemed able to consent, we'll write your surgery letter.
Your session will be with one of our trans or queer therapists, specially trained to efficiently gather the necessary details for your surgery letter. Additionally, we'll discuss surgery expectations, goals, aftercare, and post-surgery mental health considerations during your appointment.
You can expect to receive your letter within 1-2 weeks, typically arriving in just 1 week or even sooner.
We do a lot more than surgery letters.
We are founded with the belief that all people deserve the freedom to express their gender how they choose. To that end, we provide a range of services to serve anyone of trans experience, and their friends, families and partners. You can find help for your gender questions, and support for your gender questioning teen. Here, you can also find a community of people going through your same struggles in groups, or you can tackle your questions around your sexuality. You will always find every session grounded in a solid foundation of general mental health.

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"Every Body"
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