Aging With Pride Bookclub

Aging With Pride Book Club

3/16/24, 1:00pm

Beyond the confines of literary analysis, the Erie Gay News Book Club serves as a catalyst for building meaningful connections within the community. Whether gathering for spirited discussions at local cafes or engaging in virtual meetups that span geographical boundaries, members of the club forge friendships that extend far beyond the pages of the books they read. In an era marked by digital disconnect, this sense of camaraderie serves as a reminder of the transformative power of human connection.

As the Erie Gay News Book Club continues to thrive, it remains steadfast in its mission to celebrate diversity, promote inclusivity, and champion LGBTQ+ voices in literature. With each new chapter, the club invites readers from all walks of life to join in its journey, embracing the transformative power of storytelling and the boundless possibilities that arise when diverse voices come together in harmony.

Read more and register here.


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