The Rise of Anti-LGBTQ Legislation: Protecting Mental Health and Taking Action

There are numerous pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation being proposed across various states that pose significant threats to the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender individuals. Here are some specific examples and their potential impacts:

Healthcare Restrictions

Several states, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, and Missouri, have introduced bills that aim to restrict or criminalize gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth. These bills could prevent transgender minors from accessing vital medical treatments, such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers, which are widely supported by medical professionals and have been shown to improve mental health outcomes and reduce the risk of suicide among transgender individuals.

Denying access to gender-affirming care can have severe consequences, exacerbating gender dysphoria and increasing the likelihood of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues among transgender youth

Participation in Sports

Multiple states, including Idaho, Indiana, and West Virginia, have proposed legislation that would ban transgender students from participating in sports teams that align with their gender identity .Such bills not only discriminate against transgender youth but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and stigma, potentially leading to social isolation, low self-esteem, and mental health challenges.

Classroom Censorship

Several states, including Florida, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, have introduced bills that would restrict or prohibit discussions about LGBTQ topics in classrooms, often under the guise of "parental rights."These measures not only censor educational content but also contribute to an environment of erasure and marginalization for LGBTQ students, potentially increasing feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression.

Religious Exemptions

Numerous states, including Arkansas, Kentucky, and South Carolina, have proposed bills that would allow individuals, businesses, and organizations to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals based on religious beliefs. Such exemptions could enable denial of services, employment, housing, and other fundamental rights, perpetuating stigma and marginalization while also posing significant legal and financial challenges for LGBTQ individuals.

It is crucial to recognize that these discriminatory bills not only violate the rights and dignity of LGBTQ individuals but also have profound implications for their mental health and well-being. Advocacy efforts, community support, and access to affirming mental health services like those provided by Arrive Therapy are essential to mitigate the harmful impacts of such legislation.


Arrive Therapy can provide both you and your child with expert support through their gender journey and gender exploration. Please visit our Teen Gender Therapy page to find out more.


How to Support Your Trans Child, Part 16: Check In Regularly


A Guide to Finding LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges