Pulling Back the Veil on Gender-Affirming Surgeries

With Alexander Stefanini, LPC

Thursday, March 7 | 10:00–11:00 am ET

CE credit(s) available

Increase your knowledge of what gender-affirming surgery entails, and build competency and confidence in providing counseling to transgender clients before and after surgery. Clinicians will learn the importance of exploring the social, psychological, and physical pros and cons of gender-affirming surgery, including the emotional benefits and the emotional toll.

Through medical details, video, and personal stories, we will pull back the veil on what happens during surgery and what the emotional and physical recovery entails. Clinicians will also examine their own biases and anxieties around providing counseling to individuals undergoing transition and gender-affirming surgery.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn the types of gender-affirming surgeries available to individuals, and the mechanics and methodologies of different surgeries

  • Learn what it’s really like to get gender-affirming surgery

  • Increase awareness of your own biases, fears, and anxieties around providing gender counseling and working with transgender clients

  • Improve competency in providing counseling to transgender clients who are considering or undergoing gender-affirming surgery.

    Click here or below to register.


Arrive Therapy can write letters for gender affirming therapy.

Check out our Surgery Letters page for more information.


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