Queer Style
Queer Style With Darrel

Key Types of Hormone Therapy and Their Effects
HRT and You: A blog series by Arrive Therapy
The overview:
Feminizing Hormone Therapy: Estrogen
Estrogen: Promotes feminine characteristics such as breast development, softer skin, and wider hips.
Anti-androgens: Blocks the production and effects of testosterone, aiding in the reduction of masculine features. 1,2.
Masculinizing Hormone Therapy: Testosterone 1,2.
Testosterone: Induces masculine characteristics including a deeper voice, increased body and facial hair, and a more muscular appearance. It also halts menstrual cycles
Gender Fluid Hormone Therapy:
Hormone therapy may be taken in small doses by individuals who don’t identify as strictly male or female, resulting in a more androgynous appearance.
Hormone therapy may be taken in small doses by individuals who don’t identify as strictly male or female, resulting in a more androgynous or feminine appearance. 1.
Five teenagers of varying genders and colors, expressing their unique personalities

Microgrants Available for Trans Folks
Microgrants available for trans folks and their families.
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We do not take insurance.
However, if you require financial assistance. we have options for you. First, not all of our therapists cost the same. Check the Team page for details. In addition, you can submit your expenses to insurance to get a portion of your fee refunded. Click below for a quick guide: